Rockabye Crocodile: A Folktale from the Philippines -
Variation of a Philippine folk tale where two characters treat a crocodile baby differently and
end up getting what they deserve.
Look What I Can Do - A game of follow-the-leader,
with lessons learned in the end.
Leo the Late Bloomer - Sometimes children need time to develop. They shouldn't be rushed along. PinoyLit sees this book in a number of preschools in the Philippines.
Little Louie the Baby Bloomer - Leo remembers his slow start as he treats his younger brother in this sequel to the popular Leo the Late Bloomer.
Milton the Early Riser - Can Milton the Panda get everyone to wake up early?
Come Out and Play, Little Mouse
Where Are You Going, Little Mouse?
Where Does the Sun Go at Night? - In a child's world, the sun doesn't merely disappear. It even gets the chance to be tucked into bed.
Mushroom in the Rain - Rain forces animals to take shelter, except that there's only room for one ant beneath a mushroom. But maybe some more space can be found for friends?
Gregory the Terrible Eater - Here's a goat who actually learns to eat nutritious food.
Alligator Arrived With Apples: A Potluck Alphabet Feast - Focuses on Thanksgiving.
Alligators and Others All Year Long! (A Book of Months)
Antarctic Antics: A Book of Penguin Poems
Mitchell (Dinosaur) is Moving -
A heartwarming tale of friendship that last over time and over the miles.